pyv (pretty young vinyl)

images, originally uploaded by tsokolove.

I bought a record player earlier in the summer. Not a crappy Fisher Price toy one or K-Mart special, but a geniune Gemini turntable with pitch control.

This puts me way behind the cool train in terms of DJ culture and slighty above the cool in terms of the millions of people geeking over their IPods.

I've been able to not only track down some amazing vinyl long sought after (General Public's "Hand to Mouth" anyone?) and play the vinyl that was otherwise collecting dust in the scary place known as my parent's basement.

Anyway, I just experienced the "new drug" that Huey Lewis must have been wanting in 1984 because I found a mint condition unopened "Thriller" tonight and gave it a spin. Talk about having a major flashback. I don't care what anyone says, "The Lady in My Life" is one of the most underappreciated songs Michael ever recorded.