sith happens...

I was going to review Sith today on here, but what happened at the theatre is much more entertaining, so here's a brief review...

Deep breath. The last of the Star Wars movies to be released. The saga is completed, and I feel fine. No really, my heart will go on.

Now, I went to the 7:30am showing at the Ziegfeld which was totally packed to the aisles with other geeks. After at least three of those aint-it-cool-we-have-digital-projection promos, the picture just completely goes blank 5 minutes into the film. Stuck literally on the dark side, an entire audience starts freaking out. I had dared my friend Ann to yell "Holly Sith!" and she yelled "Holly Shit," but I think that added to the crazies.

It was fantastic. I think some guy in a Stormtrooper costume took an usher hostage until they fixed the problem. It was fixed, but now I have to go back and see what I missed. From the sounds, what I gather is that Anakin kills off Padme and Jar Jar in a total freak-out and - KIDDING. Or maybe not? Hmmmmmm.