masters of horror meets airplaine!...

Well I'm back from Cannes in beautiful, sunny New York City (really, it's sunny today).

Last week on my flight to Cannes I sat next to a producer of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE and today on my flight back from Cannes I sat next to the sister-in-law of Horror film legend Sean S. Cunningham (Friday the 13th).

I think I scared her a bit because I knew more about her brother-in-law than she did. She at one point said "oh yes, he did all those scary movies, like House, those Jason films, and some teen comedies." I immediately corrected her that his friend Steve Miner actually directed House, but Sean produced it.

I mean, duh?!

So at this rate I expect to be sitting next to the following associates of legendary horror filmmakers:

• the niece of Wes Craven
• the ex-girlfriend of Toby Hooper
• the second-cousin of John Carpenter
• the neighbor of George A. Romero
• someone who once walked past Dario Argento