return to santaland...
In this spirited episode of BEWARE OF THE BABYLON, we return to one of our favorite places this time of year - MACY*S.
No, we're not crazy. We actually like to go to MACY*S on a Sunday afternoon in peak holiday shopping traffic. That's how spirited we are. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the man up North.
Other miracles include:
* Reasons why Santa may be drunk on his way back from Rachel's house.
* Outstanding savings update on the Sunday spree.
* Why limos are basically time machines with free whisky.
* How to know if you're part dog.
* Why is it really the most wonderful time of the year?
Don't you forget, this and every episode of BEWARE OF THE BABYLON is available for free from iTunes. Keyword: BEWARE OF THE BABYLON
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